Creating a custom CoordinatorLayout Behavior
1. Intro
Trust me, it's not as complicated as it might first look like. You either drink too much coffee, or need to take your face off of the screen for a while.
A CoordinatorLayout
is this thing:
public class CoordinatorLayout extends ViewGroup implements NestedScrollingParent {
from the . . .
Writing a basic RecyclerView.Adapter
and how it is similar to a typical getView() implementation
In my previous article, ListView and ViewHolder, I discussed about the ViewHolder pattern and how it should be combined to be a part of an adapter for a ListView, or more specifically - a part of an adapter's getView()
We had a simple model named Profile, which describes some basic information of a person. It has an image, a . . .
ListView and ViewHolder
Enhance ListView's performance to reduce strain from the UI thread
One of the main concerns an Android developer should have is reducing strain from the main thread, also known as the UI thread.
ListView is one of the most common views in Android and it is important to know how to write a fast adapter for it. One of the ways to enahnce your ListView performance is by using a ViewHolder pattern.
. . .Posted in: androidlistviewviewholder
Not very fancy and nothing that you can't write yourself in several minutes or so, EmailCompletionEditText is a helpful component I wrote for a project I'm currently working on.
Just a simple EditText that will help you type in some Email accounts in a CSV format.
A drop-down list will open while you're . . .
A standard AutoCompleteTextView, but a bit nicer
What can be nice about an AutoCompleteTextView ?
- It tells you whether the user selected an item from its drop down list, or simply typed some text ignoring auto-complete suggestions.
- It will
. - It is available for download in this Gist :-)
Posted in: androidautocompletetextview
A helper class for handling RecyclerView's click events
At the time of writing this article, there is no support for RecyclerView's long-item-click event.
In a need to detect and capture such an event, I decided to create RecyclerViewItemTouchListener, and recently extended it to support single and double click events.
RecyclerViewItemTouchListener wraps a GestureDetector and uses it . . .